

Department of History



Current Research Activities

My current book project uses quantitative (census reports, applications for widows pensions) and qualitative (diaries, letters) data to examine the social and political impact of Civil War mortality in the U.S. South, a region that lost 18% of its white male population.

Research 连接s to Current 事件

My recently published book on slavery and fatherhood counters stereotypes of the African American family and enduring misconceptions of black masculinity. The next project explores the impact of high mortality in the South on post Civil War marriage patterns, household formation, regional migration, gender roles, politics, race relations, and memory, topics with relevance for modern American politics. 

Personal 连接s to Research

I became a history major in college after taking a course with Leon Litwack, and my current interests are still shaped by this formative experience.


Slavery, history of the U.S. South, gender, masculinity, Civil War mortality, race relations, Reconstruction.